Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our FAQs to learn more about how Classical Commons connects talent with top classical schools, how our application process works, and how schools can get involved.

What are the credits? How do they work?

To enter the Community platform, registered schools purchase a 6-month membership to access the profiles of Candidates, prospective teachers and staff. Inside the Community platform, designated school leaders can search and review all Candidate profiles before selecting those Candidates they wish to interview. To select a Candidate for an interview requires a membership credit, the use of which releases the Candidate’s contact information to the designated school leader.

Classical Commons works with scores of liberal arts colleges and universities, homeschool groups, career placements offices, veterans affairs groups (for those who have returned to civilian life), associations of retirees, etc.—all while connecting to K-12 classical schools, where families, teachers, leaders, and supporters are disseminating the message: K-12 classical schools across the country are hiring talented people.

Applicants complete the “Commons Application” providing personal information, training, academic credentials, experience, and candidate preferences: grade-level, subject area, willingness to relocate, etc. Upon receipt of the application, the team at Classical Commons reviews the resume, solicits written answers to philosophical and pedagogical prompts, and confirms the applicant’s interests and willingness to teach in a K-12 classical school. Upon successful review, applicants are identified as Candidates and made available for review by member schools in the Communities portal